Saturday, September 29, 2012

OH MY GOD i's been so long since I've posted. I forgot my password and I forgot which e-mail I used to start this blog. Luckily I have hat down now.

Let's see what has happened since I last posted. I had lost fifteen pounds but don't clap for me because  I regained almost all of it.

I have decided to start exercising again though. My roomie and co worker have started up again,isn't it funny when that happen, people start a fitness plan, stop, then as if on cue everyone decides to start up again.

My co worker Jordan wants to loose 2 pound by the end of October. I told her I was going to make that my new goal. I don't know that I'll do it but this should at least get me back on track.
I have to start keeping track of my exercising and eating again.

One thing I am proud of is I've gone back to school. I'm only taking two classes right now but that's something. One of my classes is a computer class, I hope too take more of these. I want to be able to program.

My other class is an English class. I've decided to start posting short stories here.

I'm going to start a different blog for fashion.

I should hopefully be posting a story this coming Friday.